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Answers to Commonly Asked Questions
Click a question to view the faculty's response:
Are vitamins really important to my health?
Why is vitamin D so important during my pregnancy and how does it affect my baby?
Where does the Vitamin D come from?
How do I know if I’m getting enough vitamin D while I’m pregnant?
Is breastmilk enough to provide the right amount of vitamin D for my baby?
Can you tell me more about the role of vitamin D and fighting COVID or infections?
Why is DHA so important during my pregnancy and how does it affect my baby?
What are some nutritional sources of DHA?
How do I know if I’m getting enough DHA while I’m pregnant?
Is breastmilk enough to provide the right amount of DHA to my baby?
What foods should I give my toddler to make sure she is getting enough DHA?
Why is iron so important during my pregnancy and how does it affect my baby?
What impact will my iron levels have on those of my newborn baby?
What will happen when I’m pregnant or lactating if I don’t get enough iron?
I am breastfeeding my newborn. Do I need to worry about supplements in my diet?
What are some sources for iron?
What is anemia and what can I do to avoid it?
Supported by an educational grant from
Mead Johnson Nutrition
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