
Nutrition in the First 1,000 Days

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Videos for Parents and Caregivers
Answers to Commonly Asked Questions

Click a question to view the faculty's response:
  • Are vitamins really important to my health?

  • Why is vitamin D so important during my pregnancy and how does it affect my baby?

  • Where does the Vitamin D come from?

  • How do I know if I’m getting enough vitamin D while I’m pregnant?

  • Is breastmilk enough to provide the right amount of vitamin D for my baby?

  • Can you tell me more about the role of vitamin D and fighting COVID or infections?

  • Why is DHA so important during my pregnancy and how does it affect my baby?

  • What are some nutritional sources of DHA?

  • How do I know if I’m getting enough DHA while I’m pregnant?

  • Is breastmilk enough to provide the right amount of DHA to my baby?

  • What foods should I give my toddler to make sure she is getting enough DHA?

  • Why is iron so important during my pregnancy and how does it affect my baby?

  • What impact will my iron levels have on those of my newborn baby?

  • What will happen when I’m pregnant or lactating if I don’t get enough iron?

  • I am breastfeeding my newborn. Do I need to worry about supplements in my diet?

  • What are some sources for iron?

  • What is anemia and what can I do to avoid it?