Eosinophilic Esophagitis: Practical Diagnosis and Management of Pediatric Patients with EoE

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Mirna Chehade, MD, MPH, reviews long-term nutritional strategies and medical management for pediatric patients with eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE). Dr. Chehade specifically discusses the immunopathogenesis of EoE; identifies EoE clinical manifestations in pediatric patients; distinguishes EoE from other causes with similar symptoms, such as gastroesophageal reflux disease; reviews essential diagnosis criteria and histological features; and examines current standard of care and clinical recommendations.

Get an additional knowledge boost with this course update. Dr. Chehade addresses current questions about the latest research, and clinical advances, in this easy-to-read capsule.

This activity is part of our food allergy collection: Understanding Food Allergies in Infants and Children: The Symptoms, Diagnoses, and Management

You may also be interested in Answers to Commonly Asked Allergy Questions, Videos for Parents and Caregivers.

This course does not offer CE credit.

  • Mirna Chehade, MD, MPH

    Professor of Pediatrics and Medicine
    Founding Director, Mount Sinai Center for Eosinophilic Disorders
    Jaffe Food Allergy Institute
    Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
    New York, New York

Learning Objectives

  • Recognize the clinical presentation of EoE in infants, toddlers, children and teenagers
  • Explore various dietary and medical management options for pediatric patients with EoE