Redesigning Postdischarge Nutrition in the NICU

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Preterm birth affects 1 of every 10 infants in the United States. Improper nutrition in the NICU can result in impaired neurodevelopment, delayed cognitive development, retarded growth, and an increased risk for type 1 diabetes and cardiovascular disease later in life. It is essential that the intake of protein, macronutrients, and micronutrients be provided at the right nutritional levels during their first hours, days, and weeks of life while in the NICU, followed by an individual feeding strategy at discharge.

Dr. Tara Bastek and Dr. Ian Griffin provide detailed information to underscore the significance of proper nutritional intake in the NICU. They review the latest nutrient intake recommendations, and define optimal growth as an infant transitions from parenteral to enteral nutrition during the course of acute, convalescent, and discharge phases, with specific feeding strategies during each. Individualized formula fortification strategies are also discussed to help parents and providers follow prescribed feeding plans to optimize long-term outcomes.


This course does not offer CE credit.

  • Tara K. Bastek, MD, MPH

    Chair, Ethics Committee
    WakeMed Health and Hospitals
    Raleigh, North Carolina

  • Ian J. Griffin, MD

    Director, Clinical and Translational Research
    Mid-Atlantic Neonatal Associates
    Biomedical Research Institute of New Jersey
    Morristown, New Jersey

Learning Objectives

  • Link nutrient intake recommendations for growing preterm infants with expected growth
  • Describe the latest evidence supporting preterm infant convalescent and discharge nutrition
  • Review novel approaches to convalescent and discharge feeds when a preterm infant is designated as at risk for growth failure or micronutrient deficiencies
  • Customize nutritional interventions to help close the growth failure gap in the NICU and at discharge