When it comes to allergy prevention strategies, is early allergen exposure enough? Are there other approaches that can help promote the ongoing tolerance of potential allergens?

Pediatric allergist, Jonathan Malka, MD, discusses the benefits of early introduction of allergens and how this influences the risk of allergy development, as well as the impact of continued exposure to allergens. Dr. Malka provides allergy prevention strategies beyond early allergen exposure to help promote ongoing tolerance of potential allergens. The importance of the microbiome is also discussed as it relates to allergy development, and how we can promote a healthy and diverse microbiome.  

  • Early introduction of allergen
  • Impact of continued exposure
  •  Explaining tolerance vs allergy
  •  Microbiomes impact on allergy development
  •  How to improve microbiome development
  • Jonathan Malka, MD

    Director of Allergy and Immunology
    Pediatric Allergy
    Pediatric Associates
    Miami, Florida
