Answers to Commonly Asked Allergy Questions
Videos for Parents and Caregivers

Reducing and Preventing Food Allergies
Marion Groetch, MS, RDN
Hugh A. Sampson, MD, FAAAAI
Jonathan Malka, MD

Click a question to view the faculty's response:
  • Can incorporating baked milk or egg into my child's diet increase the likelihood of tolerance to fresh milk or eggs?

  • How can I serve packaged foods to my child with food allergies?

  • My baby has eczema. Does this mean she will have food allergies in the future?

  • My child’s eczema used to be severe but is now improving. Does that mean the food allergy is also going away?

  • Food allergies run in my family, so I’m worried my child will also have them? When should I introduce foods like peanuts, eggs or cow’s milk?

  • Why have food allergies become more common?

  • What can be done to reduce food allergies in my child?